Tuesday 1 September 2015

Special Wedding Course - Floral Arch!

What I love about the Special Wedding course, and more importantly, the floral arch exercise, is that the students and I get to design this TOGETHER.

I am always excited to see what everyone brings to the table and how they all collectively make it work into one big design. In this case, it was the a mix of precious flowers and meadow/grass ones, and the result was just gorgeous!

It was such a beautiful day that we were able to design it outside soaking in the sun while passers by were just snapping pictures and complementing our masterpiece. The arch really stood out on Elizabeth Street and I found myself wishing we could leave it there for the next few days. It was great working with these super talented and creative ladies.

It was a long and tiring day but I just couldn't hide my excitement .. I just had to go for the winning/geeky shot after everyone had gone home..

I am really looking forward to the next one!!!! If you are interested, do not hesitate to visit our website www.catherinemuller.com or you can just send us an email for more information on flowerschool@catherinemuller.com 

See you soon flower lover!

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